- Alcohol and drugs while driving (Sections 253, 255, 320.14)
- Firearms and other weapons (Sections 84 to 117)
- Breach of conditions (Section 145)
- Breach of probation (Section 733.1)
- Conspiracy (Sections 463 to 465)
- Dangerous driving (Sections 249 and 320.13)
- Operation while prohibited (Sections 259 and 320.18)
- Street racing (Sections 249.2, 249.3, 249.4)
- Hit and run (Sections 252 and 320.16)
- Peace bond (Section 810)
- Obstruction of justice (Section 139)
- Obstruction of a peace officer (Section 129)
- False pretence and counterfeit (Sections 361 to 379)
- Fraud (Section 380)
- Flight from peace officer (Sections 249.4 and 320.17)
- Harassment (Section 264)
- Homicide (Section 222)
- Arson (Section 433)
- Breaking and entering (Section 348)
- Mischief (Section 430)
- Threats to cause death or bodily harm (Section 264.1)
- Criminal negligence (Section 219)
- Failure to provide a sample (Sections 255 and 320.15)
- Possession of property obtained by crime (concealment) (Section 354)
- Possession, transport and distribution of tobacco (contraband) (Section 121.1)
- Impersonating another person (Section 403)
- Assault (Sections 266, 267, 268 and 269)
- Theft (Sections 322 to 360)
- Robbery (Section 344)
- All other types of criminal offenses

- Possession of cannabis (Section 8)
- Distribution of cannabis (Section 9)
- Possession for distribution (Section 9 (2))
- Sale of cannabis (Section 10 (1))
- Possession for sale (Section 10 (2))
- Importing and exporting (Section 11)
- Cannabis production (Section 12)
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act :
- Possession (Section 4)
- Traffic (Section 5 (1))
- Possession for the purpose of trafficking (Section 5 (2))
- Importing and exporting (Section 6)
- Production (Section 7)

- Action likely to endanger the life or safety of others (Dangerous driving) (Section 327)
- Stop sign (Sections 360 and 368)
- Seatbelt (Section 396)
- Cell phone while driving (Section 443.1)
- Failure to stop or provide names and address in an accident (Hit and Run) (Sections 167, 168, 169, 170 and 171)
- Application for a restricted permit (Section 119)
- Speeding
- Red light (Section 359)
- Excessive speeding
- Loss of demerit points
- Zero tolerance
- All other violations of the Highway Safety Code
Act respecting owners, operators and drivers of heavy vehicles

Provincial offenses:
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
Act respecting lotteries, publicity contests and amusement machines
Act respecting offences relating to alcoholic beverages
Federal offenses:
Excise Act (tobacco contraband)